Reading Data from Cosmos DB in Databricks: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s data-driven world, organizations leverage various data storage solutions to manage and analyze their data effectively. Cosmos DB, a globally distributed NoSQL database service from Microsoft Azure, is widely used for building highly scalable and responsive applications. In this blog post, we will explore how to read data from Cosmos DB in Databricks, a powerful data analytics platform built on Apache Spark.

Overview of Cosmos DB

Cosmos DB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that offers global distribution, multi-model capabilities, and automatic scaling. It supports various data models, including key-value, document, graph, and column family, making it suitable for various applications. With its global distribution and low-latency data access, Cosmos DB enables developers to build highly responsive and globally distributed applications.

Integration with Databricks

Databricks provides seamless integration with Cosmos DB, allowing users to read and analyze data stored in Cosmos DB directly from their Databricks notebooks. This integration simplifies the data analytics workflow and enables users to leverage the powerful data processing capabilities of Databricks for Cosmos DB data.

Reading Data from Cosmos DB in Databricks

To read data from Cosmos DB in Databricks, follow these steps:

Step 1: Configure Cosmos DB Account

Before you can read data from Cosmos DB in Databricks, you need to configure your Cosmos DB account and obtain the necessary connection information, including the Cosmos DB endpoint URI, access key, database name, and collection name.

Step 2: Install Required Libraries

Next, you must install the required libraries for Cosmos DB integration in Databricks. You can do this by adding the following Maven coordinates to your Databricks cluster’s libraries:

Step 3: Read Data into DataFrame

Once the setup is complete, you can read data from Cosmos DB into a DataFrame in Databricks using the following code:

# Define connection settings
cosmos_config = {
    "Endpoint": "YOUR_COSMOS_DB_ENDPOINT",
    "Masterkey": "YOUR_COSMOS_DB_ACCESS_KEY",
    "Database": "YOUR_DATABASE_NAME",
    "Collection": "YOUR_COLLECTION_NAME",

# Read data from Cosmos DB into DataFrame
df ="cosmos.oltp") \
    .options(**cosmos_config) \

Replace “YOUR_COSMOS_DB_ENDPOINT”, “YOUR_COSMOS_DB_ACCESS_KEY”, “YOUR_DATABASE_NAME”, and “YOUR_COLLECTION_NAME” with your actual Cosmos DB connection information.

Step 4: Analyze and Visualize Data

Once the data is loaded into the DataFrame, you can perform various data analysis and visualization tasks using the powerful data processing capabilities of Databricks. You can use SQL, DataFrame operations, and built-in libraries like Spark SQL and Pandas to analyze and manipulate the data as needed.


In this blog post, we explored how to read data from Cosmos DB in Databricks. By following the steps outlined above, you can seamlessly integrate Cosmos DB with Databricks and leverage the powerful data processing capabilities of Databricks for analyzing and visualizing data stored in Cosmos DB. This integration allows organisations to gain valuable insights from their Cosmos DB data and drive data-driven decision-making processes.

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